Friday, August 26, 2011

It's a work in progress

It's still in the construction stages, but feel free to drop by The Sword and The Teapot and share a noggin of brew or two.  Now open for business at the

Monday, August 22, 2011

Every Ship Needs a Captain

Tom Beale, who would be something like Josephine's great nephew, has been churning out artwork for the new site. This splendid image with Townsend on deck is hot off his metaphorical press:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Moral Compasses

Linda asks: "Now that Mikado has effectively taken over does that mean that he has the moral responsibility now to keep all of the discussions going.... as was the initial intent?"  

Social behaviors such as adherence to a moral code are group driven: everyone in the group operates according to a moral compass that point to the same star.  But different groups have different teachings and values, so I have to say that although I have no idea what  his initial intent was when he bought the TTownsendBrown domain name and offered it up as as a forum host site. I do know that whatever Mikado does, he will do according to his own moral compass.  Of that I have always been certain.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Watch This Space

Those who wish to continue the recently interrupted forum discussions are invited to join Linda and Rose  in the new place. It should be up and running in a few days, and I will be posting the new address here. In the mean time, feel free to use the comment space below for any messages you wish to pass along to the group at large.